Getting Called Mama is Freakin' Awesome

I went visiting last night. The family was desperately trying to entertain an 18 month old baby girl, as her mommy had a function to attend. Three adults - grandpa, great grandma, and great aunt - looking frazzled as can be, were singing and looking through her picture books to try and keep her occupied. When I came in, Cutie Baby lit up, and waddled right over to me and grabbed my hand. She didn’t want anything to do with her great uncle, who I entered with. She just wanted me, a person she never met. In truth, many people have noted a resemblance between me and Cutie Baby’s mother. Maybe she noticed as well, and felt I would do until she could have her mommy back. Whatever the case may be, Cutie Baby held my hand, cuddled up on me, gave me kisses and hugs, and even called me Mama. When any other member of her family attempted to take her, she shook her hands, and held on to me. When her great grandmother (Nanny) was changing her diaper, she kicked and cried and carried on. I stepped in, and she smiled up at me as I finished the job. It could have been the resemblance to her mommy thing, or the fact that I was a new face when she had been with the same three people for many hours already, but getting called Mama, and being able to bring comfort to Cutie Baby had my ovaries doing flips. No drug could possibly replicate a Mini High!

Tick tock tick tock…….

1 comment: said...

Wow! That is so awesome!
You write so well, I can picture it, I feel like I was there.